How We Invest
The Foundation invests its assets to support the community’s current needs while providing resources for future generations to address emerging needs. We take a diversified approach with long-term goals for growth and income.
The Foundation ensures investment oversight by meeting regularly with our Investment Committee, which is made up of members with experience in business and finance:
The investment pools we offer are below.
This strategy is designed to provide both a financial and social return. The strategy is allocated as 70% Equity Pool, 25% Bond Pool and 5% Impact Investment Pool. The Investment Committee may adjust the equity and bond allocations; however, the local investments will remain at 5%. Fifty-seven percent of all fundholders are invested in this strategy.
Equity Pool
Invests in large equity funds providing exposure to growth, value and small capitalization companies as well as a very limited allocation to non U.S. funds. As with any equity investing, some volatility is expected.
Bond Pool
Provides funds with lower volatility than the equity pool. These assets are primarily invested in a broad range of fixed income securities managed by leading mutual funds.
Interest Pool
Provides funds with minimal volatility. These assets are primarily invested in high quality short-term fixed income securities.
Reno County Impact Investment Pool
The assets are invested 100% in our impact investments. Limited to 5% of a donor’s fund.
Full copies of the investment policy, current investment pool allocations, spending policy, outside management policy, Form 990, Form 990-T if one is filed, and audited financial statements are available by contacting us.