Love Where You Live initiative identifies Reno County priorities; grant opportunities available

Love Where You Live initiative identifies Reno County priorities; grant opportunities available

Residents say increases in average household income and businesses that pay above average wage are the top indicators of economic progress in Reno County.

They also identify attracting new businesses, removing and renovating blight, access to affordable child care, improving public infrastructure, and expanding local businesses as the top five economic and community development priorities for the county as a whole.

These viewpoints come from the 1,021 respondents to last summer’s Love Where You Live Community Perception Survey, part of Hutchinson Community Foundation’s three-year effort to provide Reno County communities with data and a process that will empower residents to make positive change and boost community pride.

Ohio-based Innovation Economy Partners designed the survey, which kicked off the first phase of the initiative. Reports were generated for Buhler, the Fairfield area, the Haven and Yoder area, Hutchinson, Nickerson, Pretty Prairie, South Hutchinson and Reno County overall.

The second phase of the effort involved a series of community workshops held across the county that drew 205 participants. These gatherings centered on reviewing the survey, discussing priorities and brainstorming ideas for progress. The following were the priorities identified in each community workshop:

  • Buhler: unique partnerships and better communication; a destination restaurant; public infrastructure; and housing, especially to attract families
  • Pretty Prairie: an all-day restaurant; new business lot development; and redevelopment of vacant properties
  • South Hutchinson: redevelopment of Poplar Street as a business district and attracting builders to sell and/or renovate blight
  • Nickerson: development north of town near the new highway, housing, blight removal, and community engagement and communication
  • Haven and Yoder area: infrastructure planning, incentives to attract manufacturing, a grocery store or chain restaurant, and housing to attract families
  • Fairfield area: blight removal, safety concerns, housing programs, and uniting communities in ways other than the school district
  • Hutchinson (four workshops): housing affordability and development, higher wages, blight removal, and community engagement and communication

All of the community reports and workshop recaps are available at for the public to review.

Funding opportunities

The third and current phase of the initiative is supporting communities’ continued progress on their priorities with grant opportunities. Hutch CF is accepting project proposals for Fund for Reno County grants. The first impact cycle, due Feb. 28, focuses on supporting community catalyst projects that improve community engagement, communication and confidence. Local governments and 501(c)3 organizations can apply for grants up to $2,500 for this purpose. Other grants available now are in the areas of dynamic culture, thriving kids and strong organizations.

In August, the foundation will consider larger grants for community and economic development. Information about all Hutch CF grant opportunities can be found at

In the meantime, the community foundation is working alongside the county, the Hutchinson/Reno County Chamber of Commerce, StartUp Hutch, South Central Kansas Economic Development District, Interfaith Housing & Community Services and the Reno County Child Care Task Force to connect communities to the organizations and programs that can support their priorities, as well as exploring county-wide initiatives that could make a difference for every community.

“We believe this process will help residents feel heard, identify shared priorities, and have some agency and resources to make progress year after year,” said Kari Mailloux, Hutch CF director of strategy. “Hopefully it creates a stronger sense of ownership and hope across the county.”

Love Where You Live Community Workshop participants, survey respondents and/or communities and groups who would like to connect with representatives from the above organizations to learn more may contact Mailloux, or 620-663-5293.

Hutchinson Community Foundation’s mission is to inspire philanthropy, leadership, and collaboration to strengthen Reno County. Since 1989, the foundation has granted more than $115 million to organizations.